Some Life and Some paranormal

Yesterday was spent getting everything buttoned up to send a child to camp. Camp didn’t happen, she decided that her anxiety couldn’t conquer that much of being outside of her comfort zone, and I support her, whatever she needs. We will make the best of the rest of the Summer break. On other fronts, covidContinue reading “Some Life and Some paranormal”

Who Turned the Paranormal up?

When your sister messages you middle of the night because her washer turned on by itself and started the spin cycle. Her house is active and she is paranormal too. I knew before she moved all it took was pictures of the house and I knew and I knew what activity would come. It isContinue reading “Who Turned the Paranormal up?”

What In The Weird World?

Have you ever had a day full of rainbows and waterfalls, and supernatural? It’s definitely abnormal. From a waterfall to a sunset like I have never seen. It felt like magic as if I were a character in a book, who had ended up in a fairytale, not unlike Alice in her wonderland. There wasContinue reading “What In The Weird World?”

Jeepers Creepers There’s A Peeper (Casper Edition)

The last thing I want to see when getting undressed for the night is movement in the room. Not the cat, I just lured out with treats. Not near the floor, I notice the movement as soon as I’m naked as a jaybird. Ugh, really, not now. I hate to break this to you, butContinue reading “Jeepers Creepers There’s A Peeper (Casper Edition)”

Remember Denny, Dinny, Dini?

I had a brief period where a friend and I were regularly having shared dreams. She is sensitive as well. For a while we exchanged our dreams noting the similarities and realizing that we were having shared dreams and not always just common themes. In my dreams, there were things I couldn’t see and inContinue reading “Remember Denny, Dinny, Dini?”

The Moving Chair

It was a slow day at The Wartha Inn. The business had slowed due to covid and gathering restrictions. We had just reopened and activity was at an all time high. The spirits of the building had missed the gatherings and interactions. Sometimes I think the building itself has a pulse of its own feedingContinue reading “The Moving Chair”

There Are Monsters Under The Bed

I never sleep with my foot outside of the covers anymore. I no longer sleep in a bed with an open underneath. I do not sleep in the dark anymore, rarely ever did. I do not sleep with my foot hanging off the edge of the bed. I am careful about what I place aboveContinue reading “There Are Monsters Under The Bed”

Guess What There Is A Super Moon Incoming

As if the energy wasn’t boosted already, get ready for it cause it’s about to get extra amped up. I could feel the build of energy and now I feel it like a bubble about to burst. That moon she is going bring in some crazy dreams, more prophetic dreams for those who are inclinedContinue reading “Guess What There Is A Super Moon Incoming”

Weird Day Even Weirder Night Paranormal Excess

I had a pretty clear-cut plan for my day, but it could not have gone any different. Weird how the universe conspires to get you certain places. Talk about memory overload as well, I am still processing that aspect of the day alone. The plan was to go and cut my nephew’s hair, then goContinue reading “Weird Day Even Weirder Night Paranormal Excess”

Shadow Figures

Firstly let’s define the meaning of the word shadow. Merriam- Webster defines it as … Definition of shadow  (Entry 1 of 3)1: the dark figure cast upon a surface by a body intercepting the rays from a source of light2: partial darkness or obscurity within a part of space from which rays from a source of light areContinue reading “Shadow Figures”