The light of Hope

The sun has begun to grace us with its presence for longer and the days are becoming bright and clear. The weather is slowly transitioning and the cycle of new growth is beginning again. The darkness and grey of winter sludge are dissipating. I am grateful for the freedom and opportunity to appreciate it peacefully.Continue reading “The light of Hope”

May the Unwanteds and the Wanteds Forge a New Way

I have been drowning in the cutthroat ugly side of humans for a while now. I miss the good side. The part of humanity that is not out for anything, the people who are genuine and help each other without expectation. The adults are out here behaving ugly, setting bad examples for the children. TheyContinue reading “May the Unwanteds and the Wanteds Forge a New Way”

Sadness and Hope

I don’t know if everyone’s heartache feels the same, I am sure it varies. There are times it feels as if every breath that fills the lungs are painful. As if breathing is a chore. The relentless, heavyweight crushing down on your rib cage threatening to crush the bones that cage the broken thing beneathContinue reading “Sadness and Hope”

Optimism ADHD Gratitude

Small steps are better than no steps. It was brought to my attention that I likely have ADHD and it makes sense. So much sense. I never realized that people didn’t all have content thoughts and impulses. It was first mentioned in class that I get bored easily and then I start cleaning. I getContinue reading “Optimism ADHD Gratitude”

Collective Fatigue

The energy feels stagnant lately, and that’s strange given the mover and shaker energy of the eclipse season and the close of the supermoon energy. There is movement but it feels deeper somehow the veil is thin right now, I expected it to be thicker after the supermoon energy had wrapped up but somehow itContinue reading “Collective Fatigue”

Full Circle Full Moon

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Anyone else finding themselves completing strange full circles this past week? Ending up with people and places from different times in your life? It has been strange, to say the least. I have found myself so many places from childhood, coming back full circle to locations I thought wereContinue reading “Full Circle Full Moon”

Reasons Why The Law Of Attraction Doesn’t Always Work

There are a lot of misconceptions about manifesting and the law of attraction. I’m not claiming to be an expert by any means, I struggle with it quite a lot. I do, however, realize at some point what I’ve done wrong and I don’t love using the word wrong. I would prefer to see itContinue reading “Reasons Why The Law Of Attraction Doesn’t Always Work”

Hope Is Not Lost, Just Misplaced.

I’ve been getting this message over and over for days now. I decided since it was so adamant that I should share it. I’m convinced that somewhere out there someone else needs to hear this. These messages are timeless and find us at just right the time, whether it be today or next year. So,Continue reading “Hope Is Not Lost, Just Misplaced.”